A.S. Business Center is a multi-specialized firm that offers full integrated solutions to individuals, self-employed, startups, and established businesses in Ontario and Quebec....
The Know How is a non-profit charitable organization that provides immigrants of Ontario the opportunity to upgrade their professional skills adapted to the Canadian market and also encourage Francophones to become savvy entrepreneurs....
Hun Da Bear’s products are designed for houses and selling them online enables to address a large demand and therefore enable the company to propose attractive prices that beats the competition....
Tchi-Tchin-Ga’s vision is to make North America adopt Tchi-Tchin-Ga as the reference dish of West Africa the same way Kebab does for Greek cuisine by integrating it into gastronomy Canadian....
Simply put, we’ve helped create a foodies network. Think of HomePlates as a AirBnB for food lovers: it connects those who enjoy cooking at home to those who eat with passion. Always a perfect match....